Skull base tumors warning signs - Rajahmundry

Monday, 15 July, 2024

Item details

City: Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh
Offer type: Demand
Price: Rs 533,101


Contact name Dr G Geetasravan
Phone 09398058090

Item description

Skull base tumors most often grow inside the skull but occasionally form on the outside. They can originate in the skull base as a primary tumor or spread there from a cancer elsewhere in the body as a metastatic brain tumor.

Skull base tumors are classified by tumor type and location within the skull base.

Symptoms appear slowly as the tumor grows and puts pressure on vital structures in the brain such as the pituitary gland, the optic nerve and the carotid arteries.

Specific symptoms depend on the type, location and size of the tumor. For example, tumors involving the skull base and nose can affect breathing and sense of smell. Some tumors in the pituitary gland can affect vision and swallowing.

In general, common symptoms of skull base tumors include:

Difficulty breathing

Altered sense of smell

Blurred or double vision

Trouble swallowing

Hearing loss

To consult our experts contact at us 09398058090